Correspondence Course in Magic and the Western Mysteries
Free Online Course in the basic Theory and Principles of the Mystical Qabbalah and the Western Mystery Tradition

The Temple of Healing
8 day compact workshop

with Salomo Baal-Shem
November 12th to 19th, 2022 - near Frankfurt/Maine - Taunus area (Germany)

As usual we will help people arriving at the main station or at Frankfurt International Airport to plan their travel to the location.

This workshop will be held in English and German.

Would you like to experience what it is like to live with like-minded people in a consecrated temple of the mysteries and receive spiritual guidance and healing of your soul therein?

Immerse into eight magical days of healing, ritual experience, meditation and spiritual development: November 12th until 19th (Saturday - Saturday)

The Temple of Healing

On their quest to wisdom, enlightenment or healing, the saints and prophets often have secluded themselves to a special place, to receive inspiration and spiritual guidance.

Moses went to Mount Sinai where he received the Ten Commandments (Exodus 24-34). The prophet Elijah traveled through the wasteland and rested in a cave, where he heard the voice of God (1 Kings 19).
For the priests, the temple was such a place of seclusion where the Holy Presence of God dwells. For the people, the graves of the prophets and saints were places of pilgrimage where they asked for higher guidance via the soul of the saint.

Who would not like to experience what it is like to live in a truly consecrated temple of the mysteries and receive spiritual guidance and healing of the soul?

For the first time since 2018, we will make this possible again with another intensive workshop in 2022!

What is the Temple of Healing?

This is a workshop format that enables us to experience this for eight days. We start on a Saturday (not too early for all those with a long journey) and we will close the event on Saturday of the following week (not too late for those with a long journey home).

In this way, you will receive for one week's holidays eight days of intensive spiritutal development, inner healing and concentrated ritual training.

Some people have great difficulties to attend on a regular basis and especially those who live at a greater distance can catch up on training within a short time. And those who have attended regularly can also deepen their knowledge enormously.)

The number of participants of this workshop is limited. There are only a few places left!

The Temple of Healing is a very special opportunity to experience the vitality and the healing potential of the Mysteries for yourself!
Here, we do also think of the participants of our online courses and of former workshops. Of course, we also welcome people whom we do not yet know!

The Temple of Healing is suitable for both German speaking and English speaking participants. The whole event will be bi-lingual.

The Procedure:

During the entire eight days, we will live in the same way as the priests of an ancient mystery cult or temple did.

On the first day, we will consecrate the seminar room as a temple, and each participant will learn by practical experience how the consecration of a temple works. The room will remain a consecrated place for the complete eight days. We will perform the rites of the daily temple cult and there will be much time for spiritual counseling and personal instruction from Salomo. Each participant will work on one (or more) personal topics during these eight days; the topics will belong to areas such as personal healing, balance of life, or general personal spiritual development. In the circle of our community, there will be much room for healing, inspiration, transformation and inner growth. We will cook, learn, laugh and grow together!

Our offer:

Use this opportunity to attend this special event in November! For we cannot offer the Temple of Healing every year, because we would also like to realize other worthwhile projects!

After registering for the workshop, and some time before the time of the Temple, you will be asked to send your concerns or your wish for healing to Salomo Baal-Shem as part of the preparation for the Temple of Healing. Of course, your concerns will be treated as confidential, and will not be passed on to anybody!

Previous Experiences of Past Temple Events/Testimonials

The workshop will have much to offer for both beginners and advanced students! Even the very first temple event in 2007 exceeded all expectations by far!

This intensive workshop has set a new standard for all those who have participated in it, leaving all previous events far behind. Both the ritual experience as well as the personal spiritual development of the individual participants has made such a profound leap forward during this time, as we hardly thought possible. All of us have grown enormously internally from this experience, and each participant came back from this event not only with a lot of new knowledge, a lot of ritual practice and important inner insights, but also with a sense of spiritual brotherhood and friendship and a deeply felt inner peace, which has left a lasting impact on each individual's life.

Since then, the temple events have become an integral part of our community.

Following are some voices of participants of previous events:

It was the first time for us all to experience a temple of healing and it was not clear what to expect. It has definitely been worth it and I can only recommend to everyone a temple of healing with Salomo and Tara who is interested in his further development and in the healing of the problems in his life. The establishment of the Temple of Healing opens a door to the inner world. One feels the presence of angelic healing powers and above all the presence of Rafael. (...) I also found the duration of the temple particularly positive. Eight days is a good time to deal with the challenges of life. So a problem was cured for me that already had existed for many years and in which I already had worked intensively for some years. (...) I would particularly like to praise the way Salomo and Tara dealt with us. For me, this is an example that even the positive treatment of people can be self-healing for them. May many more temples of healing follow this one. (J.)

"I still feel the wonderful and salutary effects of Rafael deep within me and great changes take place in my depths. [...] However, this Temple of Healing surpassed all my "expectation", what I mean in particular, is that at this point I feel this mystery school is a very lively "system" that really "looks and struggles" for what the students need right now , I want to express my respect and great gratitude at this point. Again and again you touch my heart: Salomo, Tara, you dear fellow-templars and companions! Thank you all. And if there will be a new Rafael temple, I can only encourage those who were not yet there! (E.)

I signed up here, actually without expectations. Hope yes !! but that there will actually be a change, no. As they say;though I walked through the valley of the shadow of death… traumatized, only functioning, no joy of living (...) Cruel! I was ready for therapy. That it also works differently, this was shown to me the "Temple of Healing". Within a short time I became complete again. Wonderful. [...] I also wish the subsequent seekers of healing such wonderful experiences and healing in the Temple of Healing. Not only healing for "purpose in itself" but also to be able to better serve the light. (T.)

"I think this was the really groundbreaking experience for me: that knowledge and transformation (= Daat) can follow each other so quickly in a relatively short time and at the same time have such a lasting effect on one's own life - an expansion of consciousness in the true sense of the word. [...] Without the Temple of Healing, these very essential personal steps would not have been possible for me in this short time ... (A.)

Please find the application form at the end of this page!

Who can participate?

Anyone who wants to experience spiritual healing and temple work in greater depth. Enrolement in our online course is no requirement for participation. Since we will spend eight intensive days together in the Temple of Healing, we might have some questions in advance for you if we do not know you yet. We may ask you to tell us about your spiritual / esoteric interests and your previous experiences – we are sure you will understand. Surely you have already looked at our online courses or our Youtube channel or maybe you have already participated in one of our workshops? Please write us together with your registration, if you are in one of our online courses and if yes, what your nickname is.

How can I apply?

In order to register for this workshop please use this application form.
The easiest way is to send us a scan of your application with your handwritten signature.

If you do speak a little German and wish to attend any of the German workshops you are welcome to do so. Please find our German workshops at our German website.

This is how much time you've got left to save 100 Euros on the normal price:

We are an internationally recognized mystery school and magical lodge and offer serious magical training based on the principles of the mystical Qabbalah (Kabbalah, Kabbala, Kabala), Hermetic magic and the Western Mysteries. Magical training in an authentic mystery school (or magic school, and/or magical order) of the Western Mystery Tradition is the spiritual and mystical preparation for initiation of the student of the mysteries. Like every true magical lodge or magic school and every true Hermetic order we take training in magic very seriously. We stand in the spriritual tradition of the Rosicrucians and do not only teach the ancient ritual magic (or ceremonial magic), the Egyptian magic, the Celtic magic and the Greek Mysteries, but also the classical pillars of the Hermetik Tradition such as astrology and Tarot.

We have mambers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England, France, Sweden, Italy, the Czech Republic, the United States of America, Canada, Africa and even the Philippines and with affiliates in most countries all over the world, including: Angola, Anguilla, Antigua And Barbuda, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chile, Christmas Island, Côte D'Ivoire, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Finland, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greece, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Jamaica, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Latvia, Lesotho, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Mexico, Micronesia, Federated States Of, Montenegro, Montserrat, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Palau, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Réunion, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saint Helena, Saint Lucia, Saint Pierre And Miquelon, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Suriname, Taiwan, Tanzania, United Republic Of, Thailand, Trinidad And Tobago, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Zimbabwe.