General Open Forum
Osnova témat
Welcome to the official international forum in English language of the outer court of the
Brotherhood of the Eternal Light!-
Book Forum: An Introduction to Magic and Meditation - by Salomo Baal-Shem Fórum
Refuah teachers will announce their international Refuah workshops here.
Refuah as taught by Salomo Baal-Shem (spiritual healing) is an important part of Qabbalistic training and an important prerequisite for the advanced stages of spiritual work in the Brotherhood of the Eternal Light.
Qabbalah Maasit teachers will announce their international workshops here.
Training in the Practical Qabbalah is one of the foundation pillars of the Western Mysteries and an important prerequisite for the advanced stages of spiritual work in the Brotherhood of the Eternal Light.
Use this forum for your questions regarding our training in Practical Qabbalah called Qabbalah Maasit.
Training in the Practical Qabbalah is one of the foundation pillars of the Western Mysteries and an important prerequisite for the advanced stages of spiritual work in the Brotherhood of the Eternal Light.
Forum for Qabbalah Maasit Practitioners and Teachers Fórum
Forum for all Qabbalah Maasit practitioners, advanced practitioners and teachers.
(Please make sure that you post any topic in the sub-group to which it belongs! Chose the right group first.)
Haganat Ha-Nefesh teachers will announce their international Haganat Ha-Nefesh workshops here.
Spiritual Self-Defense is an important part of Qabbalistic training and an important prerequisite for the advanced stages of spiritual work in the Brotherhood of the Eternal Light.
Use this forum for your questions regarding our training in Spiritual Self-Defense called Haganat Ha-Nefesh.
Spiritual Self-Defense is an important part of Qabbalistic training and an important prerequisite for the advanced stages of spiritual work in the Brotherhood of the Eternal Light.
Forum for Haganat Ha-Nefesh Practitioners and Teachers Fórum
Forum for all Haganat Ha-Nefesh practitioners, advanced practitioners and teachers.
(Please make sure that you post any topic in the sub-group to which it belongs! Chose the right group first.)