Some Advice

Some Advice

autor Luan -
Počet odpovědí: 16

Dear All

I'm fairly new to the course and would like to ask some advice around how to refine my inner temple meditation to become more clear. Up to now, I've been doing it as often as I can, but things are still a little unclear. I assume I just need to keep practising and this will ensure to some extent improved visualisation.

I find it relatively easy to see my lower guardian spirit, but for example the garden and my higher self still lack details. I also do not always get a response from my higher gaurdian angel when posed with a question. 

I understand and appreciate that the best way to learn is directly from a teacher, but I live in Sydney Australia and to date have not found anyone remotely as knowledgeable as people at BOEL. I guess my final question is, how can I improve my meditation on the inner temple and make sure that I develop a good foundation for future work.

I would appreciate any advice or tips

In Love and Light


V odpovědi na Luan

Re: Some Advice

autor TimeTraveller (SN) (R3)(QM3) -

Hi Luan,

greetings  :)

Well,  I am not that advanced I would say,  and also with BOEL for not even a year,  so will just answer from my personal understanding and experience,  maybe one of the admins has time for more  :)

The first thought I am having is that,  to me,  meditation is like a relationship,  a relationship with yourself,  your lower and higher planes of being  -  so give it some time to develop  ;-)  -  trust and share comes by time and not in an instant,  would you agree ?
So,  give it time,  you can go there with a specific question,  best is only one at a time  :)  -  like  -  you would like to see your inner garden  -  and then allow whatever pics tend to come,  if you like them or not !  -  maybe you have a certain idea how your garden should look like,  and so the ‘real’ image is not given a chance to show up
then you could talk to whatever is there in your garden,  -  why do you look like that,  whats the prob,  e.g.  or enjoy whatever you are seeing  -  give your soul (which is you)  time to express itself,  maybe she hasn’t got much of a chance lately and so is hesitating ?

The questions to your higher guardian angel should be meaningful I feel,  though he/she might answer anyway,  but maybe not in the way you expect ?  -  the answer can come in thoughts, pics,  feelings,  whatever,  or come later at a quite moment,

What I would recommend first anyway is not to start with the Inner Temple Medi immediately,  but the Daily Candle Exercise,  -  you know it,  you can find it at “Meditations”  as well
It is short but very effective,  and we learn to become silent inside first,  which is a prerequisite for any meditation,  if after having give na question we must become silent to really receive the answer  :)  -  if we continue to chat in our mind,  we are not likely to hear it

Maybe these thoughts are being helpful to you ?

Also to note down your experience is of help to manifest them into your mind and life.

And its good to be serious with any exercises,  but don’t be too serious  ;-)  -  enjoy your meditation and being in your garden e.g.,  give yourself time to relax  -  then results can come more easily

You are welcome to share your progress if you like to  :)

Otherwise,  yes,  to do meditation is done best under the supervision of a teacher  :)

Love & Light

V odpovědi na TimeTraveller (SN) (R3)(QM3)

Re: Some Advice

autor Luan -

Dearest Nalinie

Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it and it is very helpful. Your suggestions are really helpful and I thought about the candle exercise, which I will start today. 

You are right, what I've found is that I need to "empty" myself to receive some images, which I do occasionally receive. For example, last night the decorations on the temple doors became clearer the more I calmed my mind, or emptied my mind. I've noticed basically, when I force, when I get to eager to get a message I can't see it clearly. So this is what I need to work on basically, is getting my mind quiet, which I think the candle excessive will certainly help with.

I've applied for the correspondence course, so hopefully my questionnaire answers were reasonable as I've made up my mind that this is the path for me. 

I look forward to share my experiences and sometimes when I do get visions/pics they are abstract or difficult to decipher. I'd love to share those with you if you don't mind.

Thanks again, I am truly thankful for your answer.

Speak soon

In Love and Light


V odpovědi na Luan

Re: Some Advice

autor TimeTraveller (SN) (R3)(QM3) -

Hi Luan,

great to hear you applied for the correspondence course,  I am wishing you quick results and good progress with it   :)

Though actually BOEL likes to get to know the candidates a bit beforehand  -  either personally on seminars,  well,  I’d say not so easy for you  ;-)  -  or through the course  or any other kind of participation in (online) work.

But nevertheless,  best of luck from my side def.  :)

Sure,  you can share anything you like,  that is what this forum is for   --   if I can help you finding the meaning your symbols are representing for you,   I honestly don’t know  -  but writing about it will surely help you to find it for yourself  :)
And my intuition I can share  ;-)

Looking forward to hearing from you  -  and greeting you as a brother  ;-)



V odpovědi na TimeTraveller (SN) (R3)(QM3)

Re: Some Advice

autor Luan -

Thank you sister!

I feel honoured to be here and to learn, I wish I was a bit closer to the rest of the world so I can meet face to face. ;) I am coming to Europe though later in February, to London, but perhaps if there's an event somewhere I can come over to introduce myself.

Thanks also for you offer to help, and you know what, its so true. The mere act of writing about the experience reveals so much and to be able to share with someone I can trust just makes it so much more meaningful, so thanks for that!

I wish you a great weekend and I will let you know how I go. Off to do the candle exercise :)

In Light


V odpovědi na TimeTraveller (SN) (R3)(QM3)

Re: Some Advice

autor Luan -

Dearest Nalinie

Last night I conducted the candle exercise, followed by an inner temple meditation, which I try to do at least once every day. I noticed a few things;

  1. The first wooden doors had floral engravings on both doors, I couldn't see what type of flowers/plants it were, but it had a long reaching stem, with 3 I think leaves.
  2. The next marking I saw was on the first set of doors to the temple, the left side had an image of an eagle engraved into the door, and the right side had a plain 45 degree straight bank going from the bottom left corner to the top right hand side corner.
  3. I saw my LGA, which I've noticed before and have been visited by the same animal a couple of weeks ago, right out of the blue. It's a crow btw.
  4. Then, the inner sanctuary, a being appeared, again, not too much detail yet, but I did notice he had a small crown on his head with rubies I think. Not a big classic crown, but a small, simple golden crown with rubies.
  5. I asked what my purpose is and I got an image (this is the second time I'm getting this image) of a black gear, almost like the gears in a clock, this time a bigger one compared to what I saw before.

So, the order of symbols seem to be;

  1. Flowers/Plants
  2. Eagle 
  3. Crown
  4. Gear

I am perplexed as to what to make of all of this, still deciphering :). I wanted to share this with you as I find writing/typing jogs my memory more.

In Love and Light.

V odpovědi na Luan

Re: Some Advice

autor TimeTraveller (SN) (R3)(QM3) -

Hi Luan,

you are very eager with your meditations I can see ,  that is good,  you are creating a great base for you  :)

Any symbols are speaking directly to you,  so take them into your inner silence and let them talk to you  -  the answer with the gear is a beautiful one,  don’t you think ?  :)

We should not take this too intellectually,  wanting a clear explanation of everything,  that is not how it works  -  though of course an understanding can be there.
But mainly you were creating these symbols with your subconscious,  and they are chosen in a way you can perfectly comprehend,  just ask them themselves what they want to tell you,  or you can possibly even ask your LGS  -  he is very knowledgeful of esp. these things  :) 

If you advance in the course,  the lessons will help you as well with that

We have to learn to work with and understand symbols,  an ability that will surely grow with your progress on the path.  The wisdom from old times is generally passed down to us in symbols or a symbolic language,  the same language dreams or meditations uses to talk to us,  and in them they connect us to all the wisdom of mankind .  so the first step is to create a space inside where we can learn that language,  and this learning never stops as deeper layers can open up to us any time and will do so  :)

--   I hope my English was sufficient to express what I wanted to say  ;-)

Loves,  Nal

V odpovědi na TimeTraveller (SN) (R3)(QM3)

Re: Some Advice

autor Luan -

Hi Nalinie

Thanks, makes perfect sense yes. I'm glad to hear that the course helps with reading the symbols. You are right, I sometimes to try to be very analytical and intellectual about it. Usually start with google :)

All I'm trying to do now is train my mind and discipline it so that I can silence the chatter and revive the symbols and as you say as the court progresses become more proficient in reading them.

It's amazing how when I do experience symbols and do some research that they do carry meaning and I can't recall seeing those symbols at all, so it's a real connection, not just some wishful thinking.

I need to get to know my LGS a bit better yes, he/she is still a little fuzzy, but with every meditation session it gets a little clearer.

Well, thanks for your insight once again. I will now move on to study the next section.

In Love and Light, and btw, your English is perfect! :)

V odpovědi na Luan

Re: Some Advice

autor TimeTraveller (SN) (R3)(QM3) -

Dear Luan,

just a hint before I might have brought up any expectations about the content of the course which it doesnt fulfill:  up to now it does not give detailed explanations about the symbols as such,  but you learn more about the interplay of the different planes e.g.  and so your overall understanding of meditative processes and everything else increases,  which due to my experience,  helps in understanding whatever you are seeing/experiencing in your meditations
Apart from mediation being a lesson in the the second month itself  :)

Anyway,  enjoy the lessons  as well as your meditations  :)

Love with Light

V odpovědi na TimeTraveller (SN) (R3)(QM3)

Re: Some Advice

autor Luan -
Hi Nalinie,

Offcourse, no worries. I completely understand that the course is not going to provide me with more answers to specific symbols, but a general increase in understanding, which over time will help navigate the different planes.

So, we're on the same page.



V odpovědi na TimeTraveller (SN) (R3)(QM3)

Re: Some Advice

autor Luan -

Hi Nalinie

I hope you are well?

I've been finding that meditation whilst having fasted for 24 hours is much more vivid and visualisation is improving everyday. Today I had a much closer look at my HGA and could really feel its presence.

The daily candle exercise is great, I do it at least twice a day and it makes a huge difference.

Anyway, I thought I'd just post that fasted meditation is much more effective for me, but everyone is different.

In Light


V odpovědi na Luan

Re: Some Advice

autor [Deleted User] -

Hi Luan,

it is great to read that you practice the temple meditation, as well as the daily candle exercise, with so much joy and dedication. Probably you are already aware of this, but I would like to point out that there is the chance to get feedback on your meditations by a personal mentor on a monthly basis. This is called the Correspondence Course which is offered to members of the BOEL.Students who write good articles and feedbacks and generally have a lightful presence in courses and/or workshops are sometimes invited to apply for membership. I don't know how far you already got in the Qabbalah Course. In Unit Introduction to Meditation (Unit 1.2.1a) you will learn more about these things. Maybe this is of interest to you :-)

Yours lightfully

V odpovědi na [Deleted User]

Re: Some Advice

autor Luan -

Hi Benedikt

I would be delighted to join the correspondence course. I have completed a questionnaire and received feedback that I require to be on the online course for at least 12 months before being admitted to the correspondence course. Although I understand the reasons for this, I'd highly appreciate the opportunity for some mentoring. 

I am dedicated in learning and practising and making these exercises a daily habit. 

Is there anything more/esle I can do to enrol

in Light


V odpovědi na Luan

Re: Some Advice

autor TimeTraveller (SN) (R3)(QM3) -

Hi Luan,

it may happen earlier  ;-) ,  but as BOEL is giving a lot of care to their students,  they want to see first that endurance,  seriousness of intention and an ongoing interest in the study material is there in the student  :)
You are in the second forum only,  if you keep studying and are active on the course  (what you are  :) )  then you will be noticed surely

Practical meditation is one side,  the theoretical study is another   :)

It would be easier of course if you could come to a seminar,  but in February as it looks like there is none,  in May there will be a 4-days seminar about the Egregore - the group mind,  it will be in German though,  but if enough international interest is there and some of the international students will be coming,  there can surely be offered either translation or it will be bilingual in the first place.

Hope that could give you some hints or offered some understanding ?

LL  ~  Nalinie

V odpovědi na TimeTraveller (SN) (R3)(QM3)

Re: Some Advice

autor Luan -

Hi Nalinie

Thanks for getting back to me, appreciate it. I completely understand and get the point yes. Well, it seems like the date for my EU travels have been postponed and could be later, hopefully in May actually. If so, I will try my best to attend.

I shall continue my studies and commitment and look forward to the rest of the course.

In Love and Light


V odpovědi na Luan

Re: Some Advice

autor [Deleted User] -

Hi Luan,

I completely agree to Nalinie. If you do really well in the online course you will surely be recognized. You might then get the chance to become a rating student. From then on, you'd already be a real help for the team. This would be a first and easy way to proove your dedication and your willingness to support the group. If you can make it one or more workshops as well - great! I am sure you will find the right way. Looking forward :-)


V odpovědi na Luan

Re: Some Advice

autor TimeTraveller (SN) (R3)(QM3) -

Dear Luan,

you are advancing well it seems  :)

True,  a fast here n there helps to clear the mind as well,  but while everyday meditation is a good thing,  I think we can’t say the same about fasting,  can we ?  ;-)
But it is good to make the experience that making the body heavy is of no use in meditation surely

Great to hear about your experience with the daily candle exercise as well  :)

>   and I think you applied Benedikts suggestion already,  didn't you  ;-)

Love & Light