

autor WanKenobi -
Počet odpovědí: 1

hi there:

i purchased the book "Qabbalistic Magic" from Amazon, and am interested in contacting the author with a question via email. is that possible?

V odpovědi na WanKenobi

Re: ritual

autor Andrea Shelor ** R6, QM6 H4 QN4 -
Obrázek: Head Moderator Obrázek: Qabbalah Maasit Practitioner Obrázek: Refuah Practitioner Obrázek: Refuah Teacher


sorry for this late reply.
If it is a general question that you do not mind to ask on this platform, I would like to invite you to use the book forum so that other participants can read the question and answer as well. If you do so, an experienced student or Salomo himself (who is currently very busy) can answer your question.

Or is there a specific reason for you that you do not wish to ask the question in the forum?

In Light